I have been so torn because like I said in a Facebook post, my kids will absolutely know that I respect the office of the president and he has my prayers. But I would be lying if I didn't say I am wary. I am not wary because of who Barack Obama is necessarily; but because of how the campaigns went and how it seems that there is more vitriol than knowledge in political conversations.
But Barack Obama is our president and John Boehner is our Speaker... both are facts and they need to work together whether anyone likes it or not.
Many democrats seemed to be convinced that the republicans wanted the country to fail so that Obama would not be re-elected. Whether you see that as Gospel truth or absolutely insane, let's just say the 'plot' failed. Obama has been elected to a second term. Plotting or no plotting, it's time to get on with it and as Obama would say, move 'forward.' But, with all the gloat tinged olive branches that seem to be being offered and the doom and gloom talk on Facebook we can see it is hard to move forward until we are honest about where we are now.
So here are some things I am contemplating and would like you also to consider.
What if:
1) We give up the words Republican or Democrat on Facebook for one full year and demand that our politicians do the same. (The media makes money with divisiveness so it'd take a while for them to catch on.) If we talk about a bill, we don't say its a 'republican measure,' we say, here is a bill introduced by Boehner. Or Nancy Pelosi has co-sponsored a bill with Harry Reid and then let's talk about the bill itself. And, what if you were not allowed to talk about/comment on said bill unless you actually read it (they have summary's on the gov't web site... that would suffice.) Also let's not make major leaps in logic, not supporting a bill, does not mean not supporting an idea, it means not supporting a bill. Instead of the phrase "republicans don't believe in fair pay for women," instead we would talk about the merits and difficulties with the lily ledbetter act, who supported it, who wrote against it and why.
2) We all admit the incredible bias of the media. The Daily Show, which I genuinely enjoy, does not "give it equally to both sides," as I have heard many people say. I believe Stewart himself was alarmed by this and I think he took an active part in making himself the foil of Bill O'Reilly, who, believe it or not also 'gives it' to both sides. Stewart and O'Reilly are probably fairly equal counterparts as far as liberal to conservative leanings... If you, right now are scoffing... please take a moment to breathe and look in the mirror because you are exactly who I am addressing.
Fox News is not the counterpart to MSNBC like people try to often say. It is not even a counterpart to CNN at this point. Fox News is a trusted news source for the majority of the middle of the day. It has a morning talk show that is meant to be light with a bias counterpart to something like the Today Show or GMA. And in the evening it has punditry that has bias similar to 'Rock Center' with Brian Williams or Hardball.
Saturday Night Live, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, the local paper... so often we are being inundated with so much one-sided bias that when you see Fox News it does seem completely out of whack. If you are still scoffing, I challenge you to put CNN and Fox News on 'last channel' or whatever quick change offer your remote control has. When a major news story breaks, flip back and forth... just try it.
And, just as a little aside, on Jimmy Fallon, they did a sketch where Obama asked Romney if he was 'calling to concede or if he was still watching Fox News,' the assumption that people take away without realizing it is that Fox News was playing with the numbers to keep 'hope alive.' Fox News called it for the president before CNN did. Tiny things like that repeated over and over again give people bias without even being aware they are getting it.
3) We open our minds to the possibility that gay marriage is not just about lovey dovey 'fairness,' it, just as straight marriage is, is good for the economy and it is good for our communities and our people and would make logical sense for our country to embrace. I understand, though disagree, with people's hesitation on this matter. They, for the most part, are not bigots. They are trying to understand a very real complex shift in how we view the family unit and why as a government we sanction marriage at all.
For people living it, I hate the idea of saying that it is not an easy thing for some people to earnestly wrap their heads around. And I can absolutely understand their anger, but in the true attempt of looking at where we need to go, again, we need to be honest about where we are.
3) We open our minds to the possibility that gay marriage is not just about lovey dovey 'fairness,' it, just as straight marriage is, is good for the economy and it is good for our communities and our people and would make logical sense for our country to embrace. I understand, though disagree, with people's hesitation on this matter. They, for the most part, are not bigots. They are trying to understand a very real complex shift in how we view the family unit and why as a government we sanction marriage at all.
For people living it, I hate the idea of saying that it is not an easy thing for some people to earnestly wrap their heads around. And I can absolutely understand their anger, but in the true attempt of looking at where we need to go, again, we need to be honest about where we are.
4) Also republicans must understand and acknowledge that many people had genuinely good reasons to vote for Barack Obama, despite our dismay. They did not do so because they wanted a handout or because they want socialism or for Israel to be destroyed. And though, we may feel we have evidence that points out that these are things Barack Obama is leaning toward, we do not have a crystal ball. Those that voted for him for the most part genuinely feel that President Obama can do a better job leading this nation. And for all of our sakes, let's hope that they are right.
Though I am admittedly wary of what is to come, I will do my best to support my president and make sure I am informed and passionate about the issues that face this country.
And, because I am an American and regardless of who our president is we have the freedom to live how we believe is right. I am going to live out what I consider my very important conservative ideals, I am going to work hard and sacrifice and give to those in need without anyone forcing me to do so. I am going to continue to live my faith and pray to God and respect the religions and traditions of those around me as I expect them to respect mine. I am going to raise my kids responsibly and consider myself their primary educator in everything from morality to academics. I am going to speak up if I see injustice happening and act if I can change it. And I will support my military, my church, my family, my neighbors and my country in the best way I can.
Let's stop looking to government and worrying about who is reaching further across some 'aisle,' and instead all look in the mirrors. We, as strong willed, motivated, hard working individuals will be what makes this country strong again.
Though I am admittedly wary of what is to come, I will do my best to support my president and make sure I am informed and passionate about the issues that face this country.
And, because I am an American and regardless of who our president is we have the freedom to live how we believe is right. I am going to live out what I consider my very important conservative ideals, I am going to work hard and sacrifice and give to those in need without anyone forcing me to do so. I am going to continue to live my faith and pray to God and respect the religions and traditions of those around me as I expect them to respect mine. I am going to raise my kids responsibly and consider myself their primary educator in everything from morality to academics. I am going to speak up if I see injustice happening and act if I can change it. And I will support my military, my church, my family, my neighbors and my country in the best way I can.
Let's stop looking to government and worrying about who is reaching further across some 'aisle,' and instead all look in the mirrors. We, as strong willed, motivated, hard working individuals will be what makes this country strong again.
thanks for reading...